Friday, October 06, 2006

symbols & disconnect

symbols have been carrying me.

i went to the doctor this morning- strep throat and bronchitis...

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

i've been thinking about how profoundly difficult it is to truly connect with another human being.

mutuality, reciprocity, relationality, encounter, I & Thou... war, disconnect, sickness, busyness, apathy, fatigue, isolation, disconnect, traffic, look me in the eyes, disconnect...


Nathan Smith said...

I love you Phil. I wish I could love you more practically in person. I guess that is the disadvantage of online communities, the inability to express completely or to touch really

elnellis said...

thanks guys, i hit rock bottom there- physically, emotionally, spiritually. we went on our church's retreat this weekend and the theme was "sabaath"- and rest we did, good people, good food, in the forest with a bit of yoga, meditation and sleep... i feel a little more centered to begin this week.
miss ya nate, talk to you soon i hope.