Tuesday, April 15, 2008


my friend joshua introduced me to muxtape. it's a great way to preserve the nostalgia of "mix tapes" in a digital age (plus it makes me feel like i own a mac when i'm on the site). it's a permanent link with a fluid list of 12 songs. i'll keep mine current with whatever favorites i'm spinning (now linked on the side)

elnellis muxtape


Firelance said...

Philbert, I'm so glad that you guys are getting to know Mackenzie! Hey, I love this concept, but how do I play the songs? Am I stupid?

elnellis said...

if you click on them. they stream but you can't download them.

it's been great to get to know Mackenzie and her bf. great people! we wish you guys were out here. we think about you often...

and from what she says, sounds like our boys are very similar personalities (sylas and simeon) and (judah and nathanael)... can't wait to see them playing together.
peace bro.