Tuesday, August 23, 2005

to know and to be known in return

A SHOT IN THE DARK: my good friend bryan and i have had various conversations about the nature of blogs (in fact there has been discussion on his blog about this very thing). they are strange things, are they not? first of all, what are they? mine is a personal space, a creative outlet to vent thoughts, ideas, artwork, photos. basically, it's a journal/ scrapbook/ photoalbum. the question is, why make it public? i've been thinking about this a lot because my site meter at the bottom of the page tells me that aproximately 20 people visit my blog every day, yet only 1 person makes a comment every other day. who are you? why do you visit? what is so interesting? are you uplifted or disapointed when you leave? do you come because you know me and do you know me better when you link off? is your thought stimulated or do you quickly scan the site? perhaps the whole reason i blog is my innate desire to be known- my hunger for relationality. perhaps each post is a shot into the dark void, hoping someone, somewhere, out there will hear me and perhaps, perhaps understand me better, and engage. this is indeed my greatest need... and yours. you come to know, do you not? would you not also be known in return?
thanks for visiting.


bryan nixon said...

i stop by daily because your thoughts and way of being help me see beyond myself.


Anonymous said...

fijate que lo he pensado mucho y creo que la idea de un weblog es muy buena, te permite compartir pensamientos al azar. cualquier cosa en la que pienses la escribes y nadie te puede decir si lo puedes o no poner. Muchas veces tenemos un pensamiento y creemos que somos los unicos pero a lo mejor hay mil personas que piensan de la misma manera y saber esto nos alienta y ademas si hay alguien que difiere con nosotros su punto de vista enriqueceria nuestra percepción de algunos asuntos. como el caso de tu cuate.
Me gustaria poder empezar uno, pero tengo dos problemas, uno mi conección a internet, 37kbps no es un chiste. y otra como nombrarlo llevo varias semanas pensando en un nombre que pueda representar lo que soy o lo que intentare decir. asi que si tienes una idea es bienvenida, pero lo que si me da un poco de temor es no poder controlar quien tiene acceso al blog.
cualquierguey, creo que este comentario recompensa por la veces que no he podido decir algo.
chido guan.

elnellis said...

thanks for your thoughts joel, glad you stopped in. i definitely think you have a point as far as mentoring and affirmation.