Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Ron Mueck

Ron Mueck is an Australian "hyper-realist" sculpture working in London. The sheer size and intimacy of his pieces are astounding. He is able to recreate the minutest of detail in the human body, but often plays with scale to create a stunning sensation for the viewer. As i looked at his pieces I noticed that his models are either oblivious to being watched or they are hyper aware of the viewer- and either one of those stances seems to be the essence of what subtle human emotion is being portrayed in the piece. so as the viewer, you are either delighted to get to spy on an older woman's pensive moment in bed (what is she pondering as she gazes past me?) or you are caught by the awkward shifty eyes of the big-little-man sitting naked in the corner wanting nothing more than for you to move on to the next piece. Mueck definitly captures what I feel our discussion about Banksy was around. here is the best collection i could find of Mueck's work. (viewer discretion advised: nudity)


elnellis said...

ahhh, you too? i get that same sense whenever i encounter the "masters" of our day. it is a sense of envy and feeling like the art i do is like pissin' in the ocean, a drop in the bucket. i don't have the time, talent or resources to make a real impact. does anybody see it? does it matter? will it make a difference? should i even try?
and then i catch myself... i will paint again. because if i don't, i die inside.

Lian said...

Yeah. I love this guy Phil. He has inspired controversy over here from time to time because of the ultra-realism and nudity of most of his figures. But, unlike Banksy, his art doesn't depend on the shock value. The controversy usually fades quite quickly because he is so brilliant at capturing the essence of human spirit. I am very moved by his work.

Lian said...

Oh man, just had to point this out. On that site you linked to: the picture of the sculpture of the pregnant woman about 12th from the top - The girl in the foreground of that picture is a good friend of mine. It's bizarre seeing someone you know on a Russian art site.

elnellis said...

that's pretty bizzare, chad! sounds like your friend has good taste in art.