Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"mujer viva"

[detail] from "mujer viva"- see the entire 3'x8' image here.
recently had the privilege of doing a commission piece for some dear friends. she has been battling cancer for the last 7 years and her husband approached me with the following words- femininity, hair, hope. it was a surprise for her and i pray a blessing to their home.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Phil!!! I love my painting! It blesses me SO much every day as I come down the stairs in the morning :-) Love Liz

elnellis said...

so glad you like it liz! you are so welcome.
hope to see you guys soon.

Unknown said...

The image gives me hope as well. Today is still unwritten, feel the breeze, feel the rain, feel the touch... no one else can feel it for you.
Strength to you, my sister, Liz,

Thanks Phil,