Thursday, September 10, 2009

art show!

[followed by an evening of music with david bazan! that part is sold out... but my part is free for all- so that means you can come too!] ps. sorry for the scary picture, it was not intended to frighten you or your children. NOTE: Corrected Time!


Aaron said...

c'mon now! art show followed by david bazan? you've hit the big time fatty! congrats! wish i could be there...

bryan nixon said...

i'm w/ aaron. we must talk soon! can't wait to hear more about this! you're so deserving of this and I am pumped for you!!!

Unknown said...

Amazing. Absolutely thrilled for you. I can't wait to read the post.

p.s. The drive this week gave me plenty of time to knit a hat. I'm really excited to give it to J & C in return for their hospitality, especially since it makes me feel a little bit Mexican to do so.

k bye